ホーム > サポート > 第23回「自己抗体と自己免疫」シンポジウム


感染と自己免疫  Infection and autoimmunity

お問い合わせ: koutaisympo@mbl.co.jp
開催日時 2016年2月13日(土)14:00〜19:10 (開場 13:30)
会場 丸ビルホール(丸ビル7階)(東京都千代田区丸の内2-4-1)
後援 株式会社 医学生物学研究所
入場 無料
お問い合わせ koutaisympo@mbl.co.jp
開催日:(2016.2.13 東京)

山本 一彦 (東京大学医学部 アレルギーリウマチ内科)
髙崎 芳成 (順天堂大学医学部 膠原病内科)
三森 経世 (京都大学 免疫・膠原病内科)
Jack D. Keene (Duke University Medical Center)


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講演 (14:00 - 16:55)
  1. RNA regulons and RNP codes coordinating gene expression

    座長髙崎 芳成
    (順天堂大学医学部 膠原病内科)
    演者 Jack D. Keene
    (Duke University Medical Center)

  2. B細胞におけるToll-like receptorと 全身性エリテマ

    座長桑名 正隆
    (日本医科大学 アレルギー膠原病内科)
    演者仲野 総一郎
    (順天堂大学医学部 膠原病内科)

  3. コホート研究にみる歯周病と関節リウマチ
  4. 座長藤本 学 (筑波大学医学医療系 皮膚科)
    演者橋本 求 (京都大学医学部附属病院 リウマチセンター)

  5. ヒトレトロウイルスHTLV-1感染と免疫疾患
  6. 座長川合 眞一(東邦大学医学部 内科学講座膠原病学分野)
    演者渡邉 俊樹(東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科)

特別講演(16:55 - 17:55)
The evolution of auto-antibody responses in arthritis, is there a role for microbes?

座長Jack D. Keene (Duke University Medical Center)
演者René E.M. Toes (Leiden University Medical Centre)

・情報交換会 (18:10 - 19:10)

1. RNA regulons and RNP codes coordinating gene expression

Jack D. Keene
Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. 27710 USA
 Gene expression in eukaryotic cells begins in the nucleus with transcription of RNAs that subsequently undergo processing, export, and eventual translation in the cytoplasm. RNA processing involves splicing, polyadenylation, capping and other modifications that determine their structure, stability, and export. Importantly, these post-transcriptional processes are coordinated in time and space by RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that assemble into ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs). These RNPs can form RNA regulons that coordinate the functions of multiple functionally related messenger RNAs encoding proteins that form pathways or macromolecular complexes. Thus, the final steps in gene expression involving RNA regulation govern the coordination of all genes.
 RNA regulons have been traced back more than 500 million years, and the RBPs are highly conserved in metazoan stem cells from sponge to human. Unexpectedly, transcription factors are far less conserved in evolution than RBPs. The origins and evolutionary selection of RNA regulons are important because the mRNA targets of RNA regulons were “rewired” over evolutionary time. In cellular time, RNA targets of RBPs can change as well based on factors that are poorly understood. The example of RBP targeting in T cell immune activation will be discussed. Specific RNP codes have evolved to manage the coordinated functions of RNA regulons and efforts are underway to discern these codes; and to investigate the combinations of RBPs that bind to RNA binding sites that determine the coherence of post-transcriptional gene expression. This is a probabilistic problem because RNA regulons are dynamic during cell growth, differentiation and evolution.

2. B細胞におけるToll-like receptor と全身性エリテマトーデス

仲野 総一郎
順天堂大学医学部 膠原病内科
 全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)は異常なpolyclonal B cell activationが引き起こされ,その病態形成に自己のDNAあるいはRNAに対する自己抗体が関与する自己免疫疾患である.
 近年の研究で自然免疫と自己免疫疾患との関連性が示唆されてきている.この自然免疫の認識分子であるToll-like receptor (TLR)のうち,細胞内局在をするTLR7やTLR9はRNAやDNAなどの核酸成分をリガンドとし,B細胞の分化促進や形質細胞様樹状細胞を通じた1型インターフェロンなどの炎症性サイトカイン産生に関与しており,全身性エリテマトーデスの病態への関与も強く疑われている.
 Lupus-proneマウスにおけるTLR9の欠損は,抗Sm抗体や抗dsDNA抗体などの自己抗体の産生を変化させる(Christensenら 2005年 JEM)ことが知られている.しかし,腎症などの病態について,過去の報告では悪化と改善の両方の結果が出ており一定した見解には至っていない.
 我々はヒトSLEにおけるTLR9について,自己抗体産生の関連に着目しin vitroで解析を行った.SLE患者のB細胞をCpG刺激したところ,抗dsDNA抗体の産生増加が認められ,ヒトSLEでもTLR9は病態への影響を及ぼすことがわかった.

3. コホート研究にみる歯周病と関節リウマチ

橋本 求
京都大学医学部附属病院 リウマチセンター
 歯周病は,30歳以上の成人の約80%が罹患している慢性疾患で,口腔内のみならず,虚血性心疾患など全身の様々な疾患に影響を与えている.歯周病と関節リウマチ(RA)との間に疫学的相関があることは昔から報告されてきた.近年,代表的な歯周病菌Porphyromonas gingivalis(Pg菌)が,現在知られている中で唯一のシトルリン化酵素を産生する細菌であることが報告された.そのため,歯周病の罹患がRAに特異的な抗シトルリン化蛋白抗体(抗CCP抗体)の誘導を介して,RA発症にかかわるとの仮説が提唱され,注目を浴びている.
1. Hashimoto M, et al. Periodontitis and Porphyromonas gingivalis in preclinical stage of arthritis patients. PLOS ONE 2015; 10(4): e0122121.
2. Terao C, et al. Significant association of periodontal disease with anti-citrullinated peptide antibody in a Japanese healthy population -the Nagahama study. Journal of Autoimmunity 2015; S0896-8411(15)00040-2.

4. ヒトレトロウイルスHTLV-1感染と免疫疾患

渡邉 俊樹
東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科

The evolution of auto-antibody responses in arthritis, is there a role for microbes?

René E.M. Toes
Leiden University Medical Centre
 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common complex disease characterized by chronic inflammation which results in joint destruction and significant disability in those affected. According to the World Health Organisation, within 10 years on onset, at least 50% of patients in western countries are unable to sustain a full-time job bringing about detrimental consequences to patients as well as exorbitant societal costs. The cause of RA remains unknown. Human genetic studies have provided valuable insight with over 100 genetic risk factors identified to date. Genetic variants at the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) locus remains the most prominent genetic risk factor. Smoking is the best known environmental factor to date. Microbial triggers have also long been postulated in RA although specific microbes involved in disease pathogenesis remain to be identified.
 The majority of RA patients (60-70%) harbors autoantibodies, including Rheumatoid factors (RF) and autoantibodies against citrullinated self-antigens, commonly termed anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA). ACPA represent highly disease-specific biomarkers of important diagnostic and prognostic value, with ACPA-positive patients being at risk for rapidly progressive, destructive and systemic disease. The strongest genetic risk factors for RA, the so-called HLA-shared epitope alleles, associate only with ACPA-positive-disease, indicating that ACPA define a specific disease entity within the complex group of symptoms clinically defined as RA. Current concepts of RA pathogenesis hold that a sequence of events leads to the development of ACPA-positive disease. Environmental factors coinciding with individual genetic susceptibility are thought to cause an initial break of tolerance leading to the generation of ACPA. In most patients, this early event generates a polyclonal yet limited, mostly low-level autoantibody response that can be present for many years in the absence of clinical symptoms. Upon a putative second trigger, the ACPA epitope recognition repertoire broadens, more isotypes are being used, and ACPA serum levels rise. This is followed by precipitation of disease. The nature of this second trigger is presently unknown. However, it is becoming clear that the initial break of tolerance underlying the ACPA-response as well as different other autoimmune responses present in RA occurs long before disease onset, with a maturation of these responses shortly before the manifestation of clinical symptoms. Thus, the second event that initiates the broadening of the auto-immune response, in particular the citrulline-specific immune response, could mark a crucial moment upon which the auto-immune response becomes self-perpetuating and, potentially, irreversible.
 In the presentation, I will review the evolution of the ACPA-response, its relation to the HLA-system, as well as to the moment where the auto-immune response goes “uncontrolled”. Likewise, the possible contribution of microbes, the involvement of microbe-directed T cells in the HLA–RA association and a molecular basis for the contribution of protective/predisposing HLA allele will be discussed.