講演録集(B5版:37ページ('15.01発行) )は
テーマ: -腸管免疫- Gastrointestinal immunity
開催日:(2014.2.8 東京)
山本 一彦 (東京大学医学部 アレルギーリウマチ内科)
髙崎 芳成 (順天堂大学医学部 膠原病内科)
三森 経世 (京都大学 免疫・膠原病内科)
Jack D. Keene (Duke University Medical Center)
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(14:05 - 16:55)
- Mapping RNA networks in cancer
Jack D. Keene (Duke University Medical Center)
三森 経世 (京都大学 免疫・膠原病内科)
- 腸管免疫による自己免疫調節
三宅 幸子 (順天堂大学医学部 免疫学講座)
中島 裕史 (千葉大学医学部 アレルギー・膠原病内科)
- 大腸幹細胞培養系の確立と移植 —腸管免疫への応用—
渡辺 守 (東京医科歯科大学 消化器病態学)
金井 隆典 (慶應義塾大学医学部 消化器内科)
- 腸内細菌による免疫モデュレーション
本田 賢也 (理化学研究所 統合生命医科学研究センター)
高橋 秀実 (日本医科大学 微生物学免疫学教室)
(16:55 - 17:55)
Genetic mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis
of Crohn's disease
Warren Strober (National Institutes of Health)
Jack D. Keene (Duke University Medical Center)
1. Mapping RNA Networks in Cancer
Jack D. Keene
Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. 27710 USA
Cancer is considered a genetic disease based upon the accumulation of specific mutations in cellular proteins such as oncogenes that regulate pathways associated with the “Hallmarks of Cancer”. Due to effects of oncogenes on gene regulatory factors, transformed cancer cells also show significant changes in global gene expression, generally measuring the transcriptome with microarrays or high-throughput sequencing. However, there are several problems associated with transcriptomic studies of colon, breast, lung and other tumors, including the cellular heterogeneity of tumors that yields signatures of mixed cell types. Moreover, most transcriptome studies of human tumors lack tissue controls that include isogenic normal cells from the same patient. Ironically, pattern changes of gene expression in cancer cells reflect post-transcriptional events (at the level of RNA regulation) as well as the state of transcription. For these reasons, quantifying messenger RNAs and noncoding RNAs (microRNAs and lincRNAs) during tumorigenesis in comparison with a normal cell or tissue of the exact same genetic origin and state of differentiation would be most informative. I will describe results of mapping both transcriptional and post-transcriptional networks of gene regulation using an isogenic cell system of RAS-dependent transformation. These RNA networks reveal gene sets and targets that play a key role in cellular immortalization and transformation, and relate these gene regulatory factors to a new model of progression of malignant transformation.
2. 腸管免疫による自己免疫調節
三宅 幸子
順天堂大学医学部 免疫学講座
Lactobacillus の一部の菌種の投与が自己免疫病態を軽減することは知られているが,さらに最近では,特定の細菌による免疫調節作用が注目されている.Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB)は,マウスにおいてIL-17産生を促し,無菌飼育していたマウスの腸内に定着させることによって,通常より軽症化していたEAE病態が増悪することが報告された.その他,Bacteroides fragilisが,polysaccharide Aを産生してIL-10を産生する制御性T細胞を介してEAEを抑制することやClostridiumが,制御性T細胞を誘導するなど多くのことがわかってきた.ヒトにおいてどのような細菌が免疫調節に重要であるか,疾患とどのように関連しているかについての研究が進むことが期待されるが,我々も自験データーの一部を紹介する.
3. 大腸幹細胞培養系の確立と移植 —腸管免疫への応用—
渡辺 守
東京医科歯科大学 消化器病態学
幹細胞研究が進む中,消化管組織でも新しい再生医療に期待が集まっている.しかし「体外で増やした正常な消化管上皮を用いて消化管を修復する技術」の前例は皆無だった.我々は正常なマウス大腸上皮幹細胞を体外で増やし,長期維持できる技術を開発した.次に,蛍光蛋白で識別可能なマウスの培養大腸上皮幹細胞を本法で増やし,傷害を誘導した別のマウス大腸に移植することで,培養幹細胞の大腸上皮再生能を調べた.多くの条件検討の結果,培養細胞が被移植マウス大腸の傷害部を修復できること,しかも数週後には周囲と変わらない正常大腸上皮を構築可能なことを示した.さらにたった1個の大腸上皮幹細胞から大量に増やした上皮細胞群によっても正常上皮の再生が可能であることを世界で初めて報告することができた.この成果は,難治性炎症性腸疾患などのヒト疾患に対し,大腸健常部から採取した微小組織を体外で増やして広範囲の傷害部を治療する新しい再生医療技術の基礎になるものと期待されている.この技術は,既にNature誌の「Research Highlight」および「NEWS & VIEW」欄に2回取り上げられ,注目されている.
我々は既に同様の技術を用いて,ヒトの大腸組織から上皮細胞を大量に増やす技術も確立している.これらの研究成果をさらに発展させることにより,iPS細胞やES細胞による再生医療とは異なる視点に立ち,本来の組織に固有の幹細胞を増やし移植に利用する再生医療Adult Tissue Stem Cell Therapyに道が開けることが期待されている.
4. 腸内細菌による免疫モデュレーション
本田 賢也
理化学研究所 統合生命医科学研究センター
腸管のT細胞には,インターロイキン-17を高産生するT細胞サブセット(“Th17細胞”)や,制御性T細胞サブセット(“Treg細胞”)の割合が他の臓器と比べて顕著に高いことが知られている.我々は無菌マウスを検討することで,腸内細菌の存在が,Th17細胞・Treg細胞それぞれの誘導に必須であることを見出した.さらにどのような腸内細菌がこれらT細胞サブセットを誘導するのかをノトバイオート技術とメタゲノム解析を組み合わせて検討した結果,セグメント細菌(segmented filamentous bacterium, SFB)と言う消化管常在菌が,Th17細胞分化を誘導することを明らかにした.一方,Treg細胞分化を誘導する細菌としてクロストリジウム属細菌(Clostridium spp.)を同定することにも成功した.Th17細胞・Treg細胞はともに,自己免疫疾患や感染症に深く関わる細胞である.我々の一連の研究結果は,こうした疾患への治療に応用できる可能性があると考えている.
Nature. 500: 232–236. (2013)
Science. 331: 337–41. (2011)
Cell. 139: 485–98. (2009)
Nature. 455: 808–12. (2008)
Genetic mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease
Warren Strober and Tomohiro Watanabe
Laboratory of Host Defenses, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 USA
In the last decade genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have uncovered over 170 genes that have coding or non-coding polymorphisms occurring at a higher frequency in patients with Crohn’s disease than in control individuals and are therefore assumed to be contributing to the pathogenesis of this disease. By far the most striking of the effects of these polymorphisms are those involving the gene encoding NOD2, since in this case the polymorphisms have been found to confer a 17-fold increased risk for Crohn’s disease development. NOD2 is a member of the NLR family of innate immune recognition factors that senses muramyl dipeptide (MDP), a peptide derived from the peptidoglycan component of the bacterial wall. The major polymorphisms of NOD2 associated with Crohn’s are located in the LRR region of molecular and decrease its ability to interact with MDP; they thus represent loss-of-function genetic abnormalities. Given the above relation of NOD2 to bacterial recognition, disturbances in NOD2 function are well positioned to play a role in facilitating the excessive responses to organisms in the commensal flora that are thought to underlie this disease.
NOD2 responds to stimulation with MDP with NF-κB and MAPK activation leading to upregulation of cytokine production. Although such stimulation is relatively weak on its own, it has considerable ability to augment concomitant responses to TLR ligands. Stimulation of NOD2 present in specialized epithelial cells of the intestine known as Paneth cells also induces the secretion of α-defensins that have anti-bacterial function within intestinal crypts. These pro-inflammatory functions of NOD2 has led to the view that the loss of function due to the LRR polymorphisms causes increased invasion of the lamina propria by commensal microflora that then induces an on-going inflammatory response mediated by the still generally intact innate immune system. The best evidence in favor of this view comes from studies of NOD2-deficient mice that show that such mice are more susceptible to GI infections with L. monocytogenes or H. hepaticus that can be traced to defects in α-defensin production.
A second hypothesis regarding the mechanism by which NOD2 polymorphisms cause increased risk for Crohn’s disease is based on evidence that the ability of NOD2 to induce pro-inflammatory responses in the early phase of NOD2 stimulation is, over time, superceded by its ability to regulate innate immune responses, i.e., to cross-tolerize TLR responses. Thus, in studies supporting this view, it has been shown that pre-stimulation of both mouse and human dendritic cells with MDP leads to down-regulation of subsequent responses to PGN, a TLR2 ligand, as well as to a broad range of other TLR stimulants. In addition, increased NOD2 signaling in mice, either because of the presence of a NOD2 transgene or because of exogenous MDP administration, leads to decreased TLR responses and, more strikingly, to prevention of colitis induced by known colitis inducers such as DSS or TNBS. In contrast, exogenous MDP administration does not prevent such colitis in NOD2-deficient mice. These studies in mice are fully supported by studies of patients with Crohn’s disease which show that pre-stimulation of peripheral mononuclear cells with MDP leads to down-regulation of subsequent cytokine responses ordinarily elicited by TLR 2, TLR4 ligands or IL-1β and that such MDP-mediated inhibition was not seen in patients with NOD2 polymorphisms.
The mechanism underlying NOD2 cross-regulation of TLR responses is not yet fully understood. However, it is known that NOD2-activated RICK (RIP2) binds to IRF4, a factor that interferes with MyD88-mediated TLR signaling. In addition, the ability of MDP to block inflammation is not observed in IRF4-deficient mice. Thus, cross-regulation may be mediated via suppressive effects mediated by IRF4. However, further studies will be necessary to more fully support this possibility.