Anti-Integrin αvβ6 ELISA Kit

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Code No. 5288 包装単位 96 wells
測定原理 酵素免疫測定法(ELISA) 貯蔵方法 2-8℃

区分 研究用試薬

  • Koivisto L, Bi J, Häkkinen L, Larjava H. Integrin αvβ6: Structure, function and role in health and disease. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2018;99:186-96.
  • Kuwada T, Shiokawa M, Kodama Y, Ota S, Kakiuchi N, Nannya Y, et al. Identification of an Anti-Integrin αvβ6 Autoantibody in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology. 2021;160(7):2383-94.e21.
  • Uzzan M, Martin JC, Mesin L, Livanos AE, Castro-Dopico T, Huang R, et al. Ulcerative colitis is characterized by a plasmablast-skewed humoral response associated with disease activity. Nat Med. 2022.

分野 (測定項目) 自己免疫疾患 ( 抗インテグリンαvβ6抗体測定 )